Women- and Minority Owned investment firms, traditional and hedge, make up approximately 5% of all firms. Your institution doesn't try to be all things to all people; neither do we.
With nearly 70 years of experience between the two partners, we've seen funds of all kinds come in and out of favor, all flavors of market cycles, and helped all manner of clients
Investor or Investee, our sole focus is you
Professional or Investor, our sole focus is you
is an impartial source of information about trends, managers, and the market
can improve the due diligence process
will introduce investors to the investment firms we represent
can help investors identify top-tier investment firms in strategies in which they're interested
can assist with overall marketing strategy, from product offering and differentiation, to developing a plan for PR, Advertising, and Conferences
will assist in asset raising through our experience-driven approach to developing relationships with institutional investors
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